Wednesday 7 November 2012

It's been a while.

Hello! Its been over 3 months since i've updated, with school starting i've been quite busy! I really just wanted to come on and vent a little. I was just on Facebook and this one girl posted a link to an Ed Sheeran song. I absolutely love Ed Sheeran! I've missed his show 3 times that i could have gone because i had no way to get there and no one to go with because no one knew who he was. I was so upset about missing him as he is one of my favourite artists, and now i finally get that opportunity in December, but its a muuuuch bigger show. :( 

I guess i just hate how everyone is acting as though they knew about him first, when in reality i have liked him for so long, but no one realizes that its the same person. :( It's just frustrating i guess. Anyways, just wanted to let that out! This semester is almost over so i'm hoping to be updating a lot more often!


Friday 27 July 2012


I slept for 15 hours last night. I fell asleep around 6-6:30 woke up at 10 for about an hour and then slept until 12:30 the next morning. Therefore, i am not going to be able to sleep tonight. Which sucks so much, because i have to work at 9 tomorrow morning. That means i have to leave at 830 which means i have to wake up in the sevens. Anytime before 10 is way to early for me. So tomorrow will definitely be a fun day.


*photo is taken from tumblr, it is not mine.  xx

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Stress. Stress. And more stress.

This week has been pretty crappy. Work everyday, all of my plans with my friends ended up having to get cancelled, and for some reason im just super emotional right now. I don't know if maybe my "aunt flo" is coming or im just stressed and thats the only way i can deal with it, or maybe its a mixture of both. Whatver it is, it better go away soon. I hate feeling like crap. I need a good nights sleep tonight. Maybe then ill feel better. 

Talk to you all soon. 


Thursday 12 July 2012

I've Been MIA......

Sorry about that to anyone that actually reads this, which i'm guessing is no one. Haha, anyway i had the best day this week. On Monday I met two of my favourite Youtubers, Sam Pepper and Alfie Deyes aka Pointlessblog. It was honestly one of the most amazing days. 

I know their not technically "famous" but to me they are. I watch their videos every week, and look forward to them alllllll week long. I would never have even imagined meeting them especially because they live in England, and I'm all the way over here in Toronto. 

I saw the tweet late Sunday night that they were going to be stopping in Toronto on their trip for the day. Unfortunately i had to work the next night, but i texted my best friend Amanda asking her anyways, and said that if she really wanted to go i would definitely call in sick to work for that opportunity. So we did! 

The boys were honestly the sweetest guys! They hugged and took photos with every single fan, and were there for a good 2-3 hours. They also tried poutine for the first time, and it looked like they both enjoyed it! Anyways, i could go on forever so i'm going to stop now. But I'll leave you all with some pictures from the day. 



Saturday 5 May 2012


I.Am.So.Bored. I have been so bored lately. All of my friends are currently done school, so i'm super excited about that because I finally have a social life again haha, but i've been working so much lately, i'm too tired to do much. Anyways, just thought i'd come on and post something to help with the current boredom. Work tomorrow and then I am off and going shopping! i am indesperate need of some summer close as the weather is getting warmer. Talk to you soon! 


Thursday 26 April 2012

I did it.

Finally. I chose what course I will be taking in college this coming September. As I said in my last blog post, I was torn between Broadcasting and Graphic Design. I finally decided I'd be happier with graphic design. As much as i really love the Broadcasting world I think Graphic design is the better choice for a long term career. I have always loved drawing so I knew it was something I would always enjoy. 

Everyone's been telling me that I don't seem excited about either one of the courses I was accepted to, but truth is, I really am! I'm not the best at showing me feelings, and I simply didn't want to hear any negative comments from the people I told, so I just kept it all in. 

Anyways, just wanted to let the internet world know what i've been up to. Hopefully i'll be able to blog more in the near future. It seems like I never do ! Talk to you soon!


Wednesday 25 April 2012

So much stress.

I'm coming to the point in my "gap year" if you will, where I have only a week to accept one of my offers to school. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with my life. I got accepted to a graphic design program and a broadcasting program both at the college in my town, but I still have yet to decide which one I will be taking this coming September. 

I'm terrified that I won't be good enough for either of them. That no matter which program I choose, i'll be a failure no matter what. 

The future is a scary thing to think about. I think that's why I try to just no think about it at all. I'm scared because wherever i'm headed is going to be new and different and nothing will be familiar, at least not in the beginning, and it scares me to death. Anyways, just thought I would share my thoughts. Comment if you'd like. Hopefully i'll make my decision soon and i'll keep you up to date. 


Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter!

Just a quick post to say Happy Easter to the nine people that read my blog! Haha, anyways,  thanks for viewing and I hope you have an awesome day! I'll be posting some pictures either later tonight or tomorrow of my Easter dinner! 

Love and chocolate bunnies,


Thursday 29 March 2012

It's been far too long.

I can't believe how long it's been since I've last updated. Anyways, there hasn't been anything very exciting going on in my life lately. Just the usual, work and seeing my friends. So exciting, I know. Anyways last month I actually had a really awesome weekend, that i never really got around to writing about. 

It started on the Saturday night, my friends and my sister and I went to go see this band we all love called Hedley. Their not the biggest band, but their amazing. Listen here if you'd like. Hedley- For the Nights I Cant Remember It's an oldie but a goodie. ;) heres my favourite picture I took at the concert, which i must say was PHENOMENAL! Thos boys are amazing. 

I came home that night, and then the following day, my sister and I took off to Toronto to see my other favourite band One Direction. If you haven't heard of them, you're crazy and listen here. They're also amazing, and although they were only tho opening act at the concert, it was still an amazing concert and day. 

We hopped back on the train but instead of going home stayed at a friends house just over an hour outside Toronto, because the following day we travelled back to Toronto to go to Much Music because One Direction were going to be there. We woke up at 5 am, got ready and off we went. Except when we got there at 730 am the lineup to get in was already about 5 blocks long. We took one look and decided to go shopping for the day instead. 

Other than the last little mishap, it was still an amazing weekend. Definitely a weekend i will not be forgetting. 


Monday 20 February 2012

Craft time!

I've been quite bored lately. There isn't much to do without a car, when stuck in the house most of the day alone. Anyways, i've found this cute mason jar shelf that i'm super excited to make! I'm going to hopefully go buy all of my supplies tomorrow. Ill keep you posted on how it goes. xx

Friday 17 February 2012

My Future.

Tomorrow, I am going to write a test to see if i can get into college in September. AHHHH! I'm so scared and stressed out, i really just want tomorrow to be over. I wish I could just skip tomorrow, like in the movie Click with Adam Sandler, that would be beautiful. But, unfortunatley thats not going to happen.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Guess who got mail...

Yes, it was me. A few weeks ago I had ordered the Blush Bomb Ring from a little website called I had found the website from a tweet Lauren Conrad had posted, so I signed up for the website to check it out. While I loved a lot of the jewellery, I couldnt see myself wearing alot of, until I saw this ring on a haul that Lolufullyloaded did. I saw it and I absolutely had to have it. I have been patiently waiting for a couple of weeks and I found it waiting for me after I got home from work today so I thought i'd post a few pictures!  

I should also add how much I adore the packaging! Its so pretty! 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day,

Today is February 14th 2012. It's Valentine's Day, and i'm sure there is probably no one reading this but oh well. Today, just like every other Valentines Day, I sat at home alone and watched some mushy movies, because i'm that cool. That was a joke in case you were confused. Anyways, I decided today that I wanted to start this blog, mostly because i've been very bored lately. I decided to take the year after highschool off before I go to college, so I don't have alot to do with my life these days, other than work. I know this will probably never get read but a girl can hope. Anyways, i'm off to bed, I will hopefully be blogging tomorrow. Im going to try and do this as often as possible.
